School Clubs

Extra Curricular Activities

A range of after-school clubs is offered for Year 1 to Year 6 children. These vary from term to term, depending upon the time of year and the interests and availability of staff. For Health and Safety reasons the numbers have to be limited.

Children must reapply each term to join these clubs. In this way we try to ensure all children have the chance to participate at some point in the school year.

Charging for school activities & remission charges

Parents/carers are asked to sign an agreement that states they will ensure their child is collected promptly from a club and that they understand that should their child misbehave, he/she will be excluded from the club.

This policy is based upon the provisions of the 1988 Education Reform Act


1. Charges will be made:

  • For instrumental tuition. The charge will include tuition only. A further charge may be made for sheet music.
  • For the board and lodging of residential visits.
  • For transport on any visits deemed to take place outside school hours.
  • For optional extra activities held outside school hours should costs actually occur.
  • Where parents indicate a wish to own a finished product in cooking, technology etc.
  • For breakages or damage caused by the actions of children.
  • A voluntary donation may be requested for visits made during school time in order to ensure such visits are viable.

2. Calculating charges

  • When charges are made for any activity, whether during or outside of the school day, they will be based on the actual costs incurred, divided by the total number of pupils participating. There will be no levy on those who can pay to support those who can’t. Support for cases of hardship will come from a proportion of the Pupil Premium allocated by the school to ensure equality of access.
  • The principles of best value will be applied when planning activities which incur costs of the school and/or charges to parents.

3. Contributions

  • Voluntary contributions may be requested to help with providing activities even though they may be part of the normal school day or part of the National Curriculum. No pupil however will be prevented from participating in an activity that is part of the National Curriculum if parents do not contribute.
  • If voluntary contributions are requested for an activity it should be clearly understood that there is no obligation to contribute and that if the parent is unable or unwilling to pay, the child will not be excluded from the activity.
  • If sufficient contributions are not received the activity may be cancelled.

4. Refunds

  • The cost of visits, event or activities is calculated based upon the number of children participating in the trip. Therefore refunds are not normally able to be given for non-attendance.

5. Data Protection of pupils and families

  • Teachers will ensure that they do not identify children who do not contribute, by developing appropriate and discreet methods of collecting voluntary charges.


  • The governing body will approve the remission charge as follows:
    • Where a pupil takes part in a residential visit outside school hours, charges will be remitted in full for any pupil whose parents are in receipt of income support or family credit.
    • Where children take part in instrumental tuition and the parents are on Iow income Support or Family Credit, the County’s remission scheme will operate.