SEND & Inclusion

SEND at Epping Upland

‘The things that make me different are the things that make me’ (Winnie the Pooh)

At Epping Upland, we believe in enabling our children to be the very best that they can be. We believe that they are all unique and need to be supported as such. We provide a caring, nurturing environment where our children feel valued, know that they belong and feel safe. This fundamental belief, guides and supports them and gives them the very best opportunity to thrive. By truly getting to know our children, understanding who they are and what they need, we are able to individualise the support, guidance and help that they need in order to believe in themselves and achieve a potential that they are proud of.

At Epping Upland, we believe in a fully inclusive, holistic approach where both mental and physical health are seen as influential in our ability to learn, develop and grow – socially, emotionally and academically.

Our approach is varied and determined by emotional, social and academic need but includes:

Head Teacher:

Happy children, who feel safe and feel that they belong are more able to thrive and be open to the many opportunities that surround them in school’

The school’s ethos is driven by our Headteacher and is highly reflected in our SEND provision. The Headteacher’s day-to-day management, places great importance in overseeing the provision for our pupils with SEND.

Class Teacher:

Class Teachers teach a broad, stimulating and exciting curriculum that responds to our pupil’s individual need by:

  • Ensuring quality first teaching and differentiation to support the needs of all pupils in their class.
  • Providing a nurturing, safe environment for pupils to thrive and be the best that they can be.
  • Really understanding their pupils and their needs.
  • Developing good relationships with all pupils and supporting every aspect of their learning, whether it be social, emotional or academic.
  • Planning and assessing each individual pupil’s progress and liaising with appropriate staff to provide the support, help and guidance which will benefit them the most.

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO):

The Senco is responsible for:

  • Coordinating provision for children with SEND and reviewing and developing the school’s overall SEND provision.
  • Liaising with the Headteacher, Class Teachers, the Wellbeing Mentor and Learning Support Staff to ensure a joined up and cohesive approach that best meets the needs of the child
  • Creating provision based on individual pupils needs and interests, creating a broad choice of adjustments/ interventions.
  • Building good relationships with our pupils with SEND and giving them the opportunity to voice their opinions, express how their learning is working for them and share where things could be improved for them.
  • Building good relationships with our parents, communicating well with them and ensuring they feel involved in their child’s learning and whole school experience.
  • Keeping parents informed about the range and level of support offered to their child using `One Planning`.
  • Having discussions with Class Teachers and LSAs about the needs and provision required for our individual pupils with SEND and ensuring these are met.
  • Overseeing the use of LSA’s and using their skillsets to enhance our pupil’s learning, progress and development.
  • Seeking specialist advice or outside agencies when required.
  • Liaising with Stakeholders to ensure the most effective support is provided for our pupils
  • Overseeing the impact and assessing of pupils SEND provision; enabling pupils to thrive in their learning.
  • Working closely with our Wellbeing Mentor to create a holistic approach, incorporating SEND, SEAL and mindfulness.

Wellbeing mentor:

Our Wellbeing Mentor is responsible for:

  • Overseeing the school’s Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL); creating adjustments and interventions to support pupil’s overall wellbeing and mental health.
  • Building good relationships with pupils, creating a nurturing environment where pupils feel safe to talk about their feelings and worries.
  • Responding in a timely way to any worries, concerns or anxieties that our pupils may express.
  • Building good relationships with parents; enabling them to have open and honest discussions and share their worries or concerns
  • Liaising with parents, where needed, both before and after school. Keeping parents and carers informed about the range and level of support offered to their child using `One Planning`.
  • Giving pupils the strategies they require to develop their overall wellbeing and mental health.
  • Supporting and encouraging resilience for pupils, parents and carers and families
  • Offering SEAL expertise and knowledeg to all Class Teachers and LSAs.
  • Seeking specialist advice or outside agencies when required.
  • Liaising with Stakeholders as required and appropriate.
  • Working closely with our SENCo, enabling a joined up and cohesive approach.

SEND Governor:

Our SEND Governor is responsible for holding the school to account for its provision of SEND and its attitudes towards SEND.


Outside agencies and support:

Epping Upland is part of the Epping Forest Schools Partnership Trust. As a result, we have access to a range of extended services to support our pupils. These include:

  • Play Therapy
  • Counselling
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Speech and Language Therapist

As a school we offer a wide range of support for various needs, such as:

  • Use of our school dog, Bracken
  • Individualised 1: 1 projects, based around a child’s particular interest
  • Art sessions
  • Music Therapy
  • Sports Coach support
  • Sensory trails and movement breaks
  • `Time to Talk` and `Socially Speaking`
  • Touch typing

Our SEND Team:

Headteacher – Sarah Hurwood

SencoClare Cooper

Wellbeing Mentor – Karen Smith

SEND Governor –  Zoe Grundy-Wheeler

SEND The Essex Local Offer

Epping Upland SEND Information Report